I like buying handbags and lately even shoes. Probably because I don't have to be in a plus-size department to get something that fits.. But anyway, expensive handbags are a temptation that I have resisted for the most part. I recently bought a bag at the Plaza Art Fair that cost a bit over $100, and that seemed quite extravagant to me. Prices on designer bags are often shocking and I guess that is most of the appeal. Carrying a bag that cost thousands of dollars shows that you are wealthy and successful (or that your consumer debt is out of control). Well, a few weeks ago I ended up in the local hospital ER and then spent the next 36 hours in the hospital. I am now the proud owner of this bag that I now use to carry my towel and suit to water exercise class. It cost just over $16,000.00
Are you okay (other than the post-ER-bill shock?
Posted by: Jeannette | November 13, 2012 at 05:26 PM
Posted by: Mary E. | December 06, 2012 at 07:06 PM