I had been wishing ever since I started this blog that I'd be invited to play along in the "Tagged" game by some of the other blogs that I admire, or be awarded some bloggy type of award. I'm always looking for attention, I guess. My dream came true a couple of weeks ago when I was tagged by Jeanne Williamson, who has a very inspirational blog here. The rules say to link to the person who tagged you, then list six random facts about yourself, then tag six other blogs. I've been stalling on this because I can't choose six other blogs! Instead, I have updated my list of favorite blogs on the right hand side of this page. If you ever have any spare time, check them out....and then check out the links on these other blogs. You'll find a wealth of inspiration, art, products to buy and a lot of good creative souls around the world who have taken the time to share their thoughts and work.
Now lets see if I can come up with six random facts about me...
1. I was born on the cusp between Cancer and Leo. I think this makes me an outgoing introvert and a homebody that needs to be center stage.
2. I was required to wear a dress to school everyday until my senior year in high school when the rules were relaxed to allow slacks, but not jeans. It takes an act of congress to get me into a dress now.
3. The voting age was lowered to 18 just as I turned 18. In my first election I not only voted, but also had put my name on the ballot for a very minor local office...which I won.
4. I love malts, malt balls, and the British equivalent "hokey pokey". I can eat malted milk powder by the spoonful right out of the jar.
5. I must have the various food items on my plate all come out even. I don't like to finish my burger before my fries, and I don't particularly like fancy dining where each course is served separately.
6. Once past the security nonsense, I really enjoy flying.
Above is a old picture of the first quilt I ever started. It is not the first quilt I finished, however. I started it when a friend of mine became pregnant, but finished it ten years later when I had my first child. In the mean time I started and finished several other quilts. Back then, my first love was crochet...
Greetings Linda, I trust you had a wonderful Christmas. I found this post very interesting. It's always fun reading about bloggers I admire. I like your first quilt piece. I find it special when something is started and set aside and then finished with another milestone event. Happy New Year, Tess
Posted by: Teresa aka Tess | December 28, 2008 at 10:37 PM